DAY 1 INTRODUCTORY SESSION – The National Seminar on RELEVANCE OF SCRIPTURES FOR PEACEFUL AND HARMONIOUS EXISTENCE was opened by erudite personalities like Dr. A K Srivastava, Dr. Uma Vaidya and Dr. Rajpal Hande.Dr. Madhavi Narsalay discussed the word ‘scripture’ in the preamble. Esteemed scholar Dr. Uma Vaidya spoke about the main components for the …
Dept of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai has invited a distinguished scholar of Sanskrit Prof. Ashok Aklujkar for lecture series from 1st December 2014 to 4th December 2014. Prof. Ashok Aklujkar will be taking lectures on Bhartrhari’s Vākyapadīya which is the most significant work in the field of Sanskrit Grammar, Linguistics and Philosophy of language. Prof. …