‘A Student of Sanskrit has tremendous job opportunities in the academic domain where with good academic performance and as per one’s interest one can opt for a suitable job for oneself, he/she won’t be jobless ever’- said by Dr. Manjusha Kulkarni (Administrative Officer, Mantralaya, Mumbai and Sahitya Academy Award winner) while addressing Sanskrit Day celebration of the Department of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai on Saturday. Department of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai has organized ‘Sanskrit Day’ on 31st August, 2024, at 3.p.m. Program started with Shree Vishnu Stavanam sung by Dr. Medha Deshpande. Dr. Shakuntala Gawde (Head & Asst.Professor, Department of Sanskrit) welcomed all and gave welcome speech. Dr. Gawde read the report of various activities conducted by Department as a part of Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Department celebrated Diamond Jubilee on the occasion of completion of 60 Years. Dr. Madhavi Narsalay (Associate Professor, Department of Sanskrit) introduced the chief guest Dr. Manjusha Kulkarni (Administrative Officer, Mantralaya, Mumbai and Sahitya Academy Award winner).
Dr. Kulkarni has mentioned various academic career paths for Sanskrit students such as Professor/Assistant Professor, Researcher, Translator, Archivist/Curator, Academic Administrator, Textbook Author/Editor, Fellowships and Grants, Ethics and Policy Specialist, Education and Content Creation, Language Technology Consultant, Manuscript Translator, Cultural Heritage Officer, Content Writing and Editing, Translation and Interpretation, Government and Diplomacy, Entrepreneurship etc. She emphasized that Sanskrit students can work as professional translators or interpreters, translating Sanskrit texts or providing interpretation services in academic, cultural, or religious settings. They can serve as language specialists for organizations, government agencies, or multinational corporations also through MPSC/ UPSC exams they can give service to administration.
Department of Sanskrit decided to felicitate staff members, faculty who are serving Department. After the address Dr. Kulkarni felicitated all the staff members, students and volunteers. Program ended with the delicious refreshment and cultural program presented by the departmental students. Enthusiastic students showcased their talent adding music and dance to the event. Sanskrit games were organized by the M.A. Sanskrit students which was the most interesting part of the program. Students enjoyed a lot. Miss. Renuka Panchal and Mr. Ajay Pendse has compered the program very aptly. Dr. Suchitra Tajane (Associate Professor, Department of Sanskrit) proposed vote of thanks.